
★ 10 本《第一個聖誕節》書籍
★ 1 張故事桌遊講解
★ 25 張《扯誕小卡》:人物小卡*9、物件小卡*9、地點小卡*7

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What's important to you?

You can use this long form paragraph to tell your story. This is an opportunity to showcase a unique moment that captures the spirit of your brand.

What's important to you?

You can use this long form paragraph to tell your story. This is an opportunity to showcase a unique moment that captures the spirit of your brand.

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Tell people who you are.

Let people know what your brand is about. This is your opportunity to talk about your team, your purpose, and what you offer.


Let people know they can sign up to your audience and receive updates, or learn more about a product or service.

本人同意僅供台灣希望之書辦理活動及活動相關統計建檔、儲存、並同意用作內部分析、跟進關懷等用途。 未經本人同意,希望之書所蒐集的個資不得向本單位以外第三者揭露或用於上述以外之用途。

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